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35. He J, Li, CF, Lee HJ, Shin, DH, Carvalho B, Chern YJ, and Chan CH* (2021) MIG-6 promotes glucose metabolic reprogramming and tumorigenesis in triple-negative breast cancer. EMBO Reports (in press) *Corresponding author

34. Cheng FY†, Chan CH†, Wang BJ, Yeh YL, Wang, YJ, Chiu, HW (2021) The oxygen-generating calcium peroxide-modified magnetic nanoparticles attenuate hypoxia-induced chemoresistance in triple-negative breast cancer. Cancers 13: 606-622

33. De Carvalho B. P., Chern YJ, He J and Chan CH* (2020) The ubiquitin ligase RNF8 regulates Rho GTPases and promotes cytoskeletal changes and motility in TNBC cells. FEBS Letters 595: 241-252 

32. Lee HJ, He J, Chan CH* (2019) HectH9 hijacks glucose metabolism to fuel tumor growth. Molecular & Cellular Oncology


31. Lee HJ, Li CF, Ruan D, He J, Montal ME, Lorenz S, Girnun GD, Chan CH* (2019) Non-proteolytic ubiquitination of Hexokinase 2 by HectH9 controls tumor metabolism and cancer stem cell expansion. Nature Communications 10(1):2625.

 Highlighted as a Top Story in Prostate Cell News Vol. 10.21/June 14, 2019

30. He J, Lee HJ, Saha S, Ruan D, Guo H, Chan C.H* (2019) Inhibition of USP2 eliminates cancer stem cells and enhances TNBC responsiveness to chemotherapy. Cell Death & Disease 10:285-300


Press release by Delthia Ricks in Newsday Newspapers

Press release by Daniel Dunaief in Times Beacon Record Newspapers

Research highlights by Greg Filiano in Stony Brook News     breast-cancer/

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29. Torre-Healy LA and Chan, CH* (2017) Just how critical is Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) to Metastatic Dissemination? J Pharm Sci Exp Pharmacol (Editorial) 1: 8-10. 

28. Ruan D, He J, Li CF, Lee HJ, Liu J, Lin HK* and Chan CH* (2017) Skp2 deficiency restricts the progression and stem cell features of castration-resistant prostate cancer by destabilizing Twist. Oncogene 36: 4299-4310

27. Lee HJ, Ruan D, He J, Chan CH*. (2016) Two-Faced: What "twists" RNF8 from a genome guardian to a cancer facilitator? Molecular & Cellular Oncology 3 (6): e1242454

26. Mladinich M, Ruan D, and Chan CH*. (2016) Current advances and future perspective of EMT-based therapy in targeting cancer stem cells. Stem Cells International 2016:  5285892

25. Lee HJ, Li CF, Ruan D, Powers S, Thompson PA, Frohman MA, Chan CH*. (2016) The DNA damage transducer RNF8 facilitates cancer chemoresistance and progression through Twist activation. Molecular Cell (Featured Article) 63(6):1021-33 

24. Chan CH*, Jo U, Kohrman A, Rezaeian AH, Chou PC, Logothetis C, Lin HK* (2014). Posttranslational regulation of Akt in human cancer. Cell & Bioscience 4:59. 

23. Li N, Dhar S, Chen TY, Kan PY, Wei Y, Kim JH, Chan CH, Lin HK, Hung MC, and Lee MG. (2016) JARID1D is a Suppressor of Prostate Cancer Cell Invasiveness and a Prognostic Marker. Cancer Research 76(4):831-43 2

22.  Jin G, Lee SW, Zhang X, Cai Z, Gao Y, Chou PC, Rezaeian AH, Han F, Wang CY, Yao JC, Gong Z, Chan CH, Huang CY, Tsai FJ, Tsai CH, Tu SH, Wu CH, Sarbassov dos D, Ho YS, Lin HK. (2015). Skp2-Mediated RagA Ubiquitination Elicits a Negative Feedback to Prevent Amino-Acid-Dependent mTORC1 Hyperactivation by Recruiting GATOR1. Molecular Cell 58:989-1000 

21.  Xu D, Li CF, Zhang X, Gong Z, Chan CH, Lee SW, Jin G, Rezaeian AH, Han F, Wang J, Yang WL, Feng ZZ, Chen W, Wu CY, Wang YJ, Chow LP, Zhu XF, Zeng YX, Lin HK.(2015) Skp2-MacroH2A1-CDK8 axis orchestrates G2/M transition and tumorigenesis. Nature Communications  6:6641 

20. Lee SW, Li CF, Jin G, Cai Z, Han F, Chan CH, Yang WL, Li BK, Rezaeian AH, Li HY, Huang HY, Lin HK (2015). Skp2-Dependent Ubiquitination and Activation of LKB1 Is Essential for Cancer Cell Survival under Energy Stress. Molecular Cell 57: 1022-33

19.  Wang J, Han F, Lee SW, Wu J, Chan CH, Zhang X, Gao Y, Su HK, Feng ZZ, Xu DZ, Lin HK. (2014) E3-ligase Skp2 regulates β-catenin expression and maintains hematopoietic stem cell homing. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 445: 566-71.: 1022-33

18. Chan CH, Morrow JK, Zhang S*, Lin HK* (2014). Skp2 is a dream target for cancer therapy. Cell Cycle 13: 679-80.

17. Kim JH, Sharma A, Dhar SS, Lee SH, Gu B, Chan CH, Lin HK, Lee MG (2014) UTX and MLL4 coordinately regulate transcriptional programs for cell proliferation and invasiveness in breast cancer cells. Cancer Research 74:1705-17

16. Wagner, KW, Alam H, Dhar, SS, Giri U, Li N, Wei Y, Giri D, Cascone T, Kim JH, Ye Y, Multani A, Chan CH,  Erez B, Saigal B, Chung J,  Lin HK, Wu X, Hung MC, Heymach JV, Lee MG (2013) KDM2A Activates ERK1/2 via DUSP3’s Epigenetic Repression and promotes NSCLC. J. Clin. Inv. 123: 5261-46 

15Chan CH, Morrow JK, Li CF,  Gao Y, Jin G, Moten A, Stagg LJ, Ladbury JE, Cai Z, Xu D, Logothetis CJ, Hung MC, Zhang S*, Lin HK (2013). Pharmacological Skp2 inactivation restricts cancer stem cell traits and cancer progression. Cell 154:556-68.

Research highlights by Sarah Seton-Rogers (2013) Nature Review Cancer 13, 609
Research highlights by Charlotte Harrison (2013) Nature Review Drug Discovery 12, 740-741
Research highlights in Cancer Discovery 3(10), OF30

14  Song S*, Maru DM, Ajani JA,  Chan CH, Honjo S, Lin HK, Correa A, Hofstetter WL, Davila M, Stroehlein J, Mishra L*. (2013). Loss of TGF-β Adaptor β2SP Activates Notch Signaling and SOX9 in arrett’s Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Cancer Research 73:2159-2169

13. Wang G, Chan CH, Gao Y, Lin HK (2012). Novel roles of Skp2 E3 ligase in cellular senescence, cancer progression and metastasis. Chinese J. Cancer 31: 169-77

12. Chan CH, Li CF, Yang WL, Gao Y, Lee SW, Huang HY, Tsai KT, Flores LG, Shao Y, Hazle JD, Yu D, Wei W, Sarbassov D, Hung, MC, Nakayama KI, Lin HK (2012). The Skp2 E3 ubiquitin ligase regulates Akt ubiquitination, glycolysis, Herceptin sensitivity and tumorigenesis. Cell 149: 1098–1111      

11.  Wu J, Zhang X, Zhang L, Wu CY, Rezaelan AH, Chan CH, Li JM, Wang J, Gao Y, Fei H, Jeong YS, Yuan X, Khanna KK, Jin J, Zeng YX, Lin HK (2012) Skp2 E3 ligase integrates ATM activation and homologous recombination repair by ubiquitinating NBS1. Molecular Cell 46: 351-61

10. Wang F, Chan CH, Chen K, Guan X, Lin HK, Tong Q (2012) Deacetylation of FOXO3 by SIRT1 or SIRT2 leads to Skp2-mediated FOXO3 ubiquitination and degradation. Oncogene 31: 1546-57

9. Chan CH, Gao Y, Moten A, Lin HK (2011). Novel ARF/p53-independent senescence pathway in cancer repression. J. Mol. Med. 89:857-867

8. Wang J, Han F, Wu J, Lee SW, Chan CH, Wu CY, Yang WL, Gao Y, Zhang X, Jeong YS, Moten A, Samaniego F,  Huang P, Liu, Q, Zeng YX, Lin HK. (2011) The role of Skp2 in hematopoietic stem cell quiescence, pool size and self-renewal. Blood 118:5429-38. 

7. Wu CY, Kang HY, Yang WL, Wu J, Jeong YS, Wang J, Chan CH, Lee SW, Zhang X, Lamothe B, Campos AD, Darnay BG, Lin HK (2011) The critical role of monoubiquitination of Histone H2AX in Histone H2AX phosphorylation and DNA damage response. J. Bio. Chem. 286:30806-30815

 6. Chan CH, Lee SW, Wang J, Lin HK (2010). Regulation of Skp2 Expression and Activity and Its Role in Cancer Progression.

 The ScientificWorld Journal 10, 1001–1015. 

 5. Chan CH, Lee SW, Li CF, Wang J, Yang WL, Wu CY, Wu J, Nakayama KI, Kang HY, Huang HY,     Hung MC, Pandolfi PP, Lin HK (2010)   Deciphering the transcription complex critical for RhoA gene expression and cancer metastasis. Nat. Cell Biol. (Article), 12, 457-467.  

4. Lin HK, Chen Z, Wang G, Lee SW, Wang J, Chan CH, Yang WL, Nakayama KI, Cordon-Cardo C,      Teruya-Feldstein J, Pandolfi PP (2010). Skp2 targeting suppresses tumorigenesis by Arf-p53-independent cellular senescence. Nature (Article), 464, 374-379.

3. Yang WL, Wang J, Chan CH, Lee SW, Campos AD, Hur L, Grabiner B, Lin X, Darnay B, Lin HK    (2009). The E3 ligase TRAF6 regulates Akt ubiquitination and activation. Science 325:1134-1138. 

2. Lin HK, Wang G, Chen Z, Teruya-Feldstein J, Liu Y, Chan CH, Yang WL, Erdjument-Bromage H,    Nimer S, Tempst P, Pandolfi PP (2009) Phosphorylation-dependent regulation of Skp2 cytosolic localization oncogenic function by Akt/PKB. Nat. Cell Biol. 11:420-432

1. Chan CH, Ko CC, Chang JG, Chen SF, Wu MS, Lin JT, Chow LP. (2006) Subcellular and Functional Proteomic Analysis of the Cellular Responses Induced by Helicobacter pylori. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 5:702–713 (No. 1 ranked journal in Proteomics field; 5-year impact factor: 9.4) 

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